The communication between wasp and the external propagators follows a synchronous message passing protocol. The protocol is implemented by means of method calls. Basically, the propagator must be compliant with a specific interface described below. Whenever a specific point of the computation is reached the corresponding method of the propagator is called, e.g. when a literal is true the method onLiteralTrue is called. Some of the methods of the interface are allowed to return values that are interpreted by WASP.
Method: setScriptDirectory(id, dirname) - Return: -
- id: an integer representing the id of the directory. At the moment this is a (useless) integer equal to 0 since only directory can be specified.
- dirname: the current directory of the script.
Note: Optional.
Method: addedVarName(id, name) - Return: -
- id: an integer representation of a variable.
- name: the name associated to the id.
Note: Optional. Try DLV2 for a convenient way to avoid this method.
Method: getLiterals(*lits) - Return: L
- lits: a list of literals derived as true during the parsing. The first element of the list is the number of variables used in wasp. Literal 1 is always false.
- L: a list of integers.
Note: Required only if one between onLiteralTrue and onLiteralsTrue is used. Otherwise, it is optional.
Method: onVariableElimination(var) - Return: -
- var: a positive integer representing the id of a variable.
Note: Optional.
Method: simplifyAtLevelZero() - Return: L
- L: a list of literals.
Note: Optional.
Method: onStartingSolver() Return: -
This method is invoked when the computation starts. After this point all the simplifications are done.
Note: Optional.
Method: onLiteralTrue(lit, dl) - Return: L
- lit: a literal whose truth value is true.
- dl: a positive integer representing the decision level of the solver.
- L: a list of literals.
Note: Required if checkAnswerSet is not used. Otherwise, it is optional. Exactly one between onLiteralTrue and onLiteralsTrue is required.
Method: onLiteralsTrue(*lits) - Return: L
- lits: a list of literals that are true. The first element of the list is the current decision level of the solver.
- L: a list of literals.
Note: Required if checkAnswerSet is not used. Otherwise, it is optional. Exactly one between onLiteralTrue and onLiteralsTrue is required.
Method: endPropagation(dl) - Return: L
- dl: a positive integer representing the current decision level of the solver.
- L: a list of literals.
Note: It can be used only if onLiteralTrue is used.
Method: getReason() - Return: S
- S: a set of literals.
Note: Required only if one between onLiteralTrue and onLiteralsTrue is used. Otherwise, it is useless. Exactly one between getReason and getReasonForLiteral is required.
Method: getReasonForLiteral(lit) - Return: S
- lit: one of the literals inferred as true by onLiteralTrue (onLiteralsTrue).
- S: a set of literals.
Note: Required only if one between onLiteralTrue and onLiteralsTrue is used. Otherwise, it is useless. Exactly one between getReason and getReasonForLiteral is required.
Method: onLiteralsUndefined(*lits) - Return: -
- lits: a list representing the undefined literals. The first element of lits is the current decision level of the solver.
Note: Required only if one between onLiteralTrue and onLiteralsTrue is used. Otherwise, it is optional.
Method: checkAnswerSet(*lits) - Return: i
- lits: a list of literals representing the answer set.
- i: an integer.
Note: Required only if onLiteralTrue and onLiteralsTrue are not used. Otherwise, it is optional.
Method: checkPartialInterpretation(*lits) - Return: i
- lits: a list of literals representing the partial interpretation.
- i: an integer.
Note: Optional.
Method: getReasonsForCheckFailure() - Return: L
- L: a list of clauses.
Note: Required only if checkAnswerSet or checkPartialInterpretation are used.
Method: onNewLowerBound(lb) - Return: -
- lb: a positive integer representing the lower bound.
Note: Optional.
Method: onNewUpperBound(ub) - Return: -
- ub: a positive integer representing the upper bound.
Note: Optional.
Method: addWeakConstraints(*lits) - Return: L
- lits: a list of literals representing the answer set.
- L: a list of soft clauses.
Note: Optional.
Method: addWeightsForWeakConstraints() - Return: L
- L: a list of weights associated to each soft clause.
Note: Required if addWeakConstraints is used. Otherwise, it is optional.
Description of the module wasp (file
The module wasp can be used to simplify the interaction with the solver.Method: createReasonsForCheckFailure(clauses) - Return: L
- clauses: a list of clauses, where a clause is a list of integers.
Method: createWeakConstraints(weak) - Return: L
- weak: a list of soft clauses, where a soft clause is a list of integers.
Method: createWeights(weights) - Return: L
- weights: a list of integers (long) representing the weights of the weak constraints.
Method: fromNogood(conj) - Return: L
- conj: a list of integers representing a conjunction.
Method: fromLitImplConj(lit, conj) - Return: L
- lit: an integer representing a literal.
- conj: a list of integers representing a conjunction.
c1 ∧ ... ∧ cn, where ci = -lit ∨ li (for i = 1, ... ,n).
Method: fromLitImplDisj(lit, disj) - Return: L
- lit: an integer representing a literal.
- disj: a list of integers representing a disjunction.
Method: fromConjImplLit(lit, conj) - Return: L
- lit: an integer representing a literal.
- conj: a list of integers representing a conjunction.
-l1 ∨ ... ∨ -ln ∨ lit (for l1, ... ,ln in conj).
Method: fromDisjImplLit(lit, disj) - Return: L
- lit: an integer representing a literal.
- disj: a list of integers representing a disjunction.
c1 ∧ ... ∧ cn, where ci = lit ∨ -li (for i = 1, ... ,n).
Method: incoherent() - Return: i
- i: an integer.
Method: coherent() - Return: i
- i: an integer.
Method: getTerms(predicateName,atomName) - Return: L
- predicateName: a string representing the name of the predicate.
- atomName: a string representing the full name of the atom.
Running examples
Consider the following simple encoding
We want to keep answer sets where exactly two atoms among a, b, c, and d must be true. In the following we present two different python implementations.
Solution 1
interpretation = []; atoms=[] TRUE = 1; FALSE = -1; UNDEFINED = 0 countTrue = 0; countFalse = 0 def addedVarName(var, name): global atoms atoms.append(var) def getLiterals(*lits): global interpretation #The first position of lits contains the number of atoms used in wasp interpretation = [UNDEFINED for i in range(0, lits[0]+1)] #Attached to all changes of the truth values l = [-i for i in atoms] l.extend(atoms) return l def getVariablesToFreeze(): #Freeze all atoms return atoms def onLiteralTrue(lit, dl): global interpretation, countTrue, countFalse #Count true and false atoms and propagate if needed. interpretation[abs(lit)] = lit / abs(lit); #1 TRUE, -1 FALSE if lit >= 0: countTrue += 1 else: countFalse += 1 output = [] if countTrue == 2: output = [-i for i in atoms if interpretation[i]==UNDEFINED] elif countFalse == 2: output = [i for i in atoms if interpretation[i]==UNDEFINED] return output def getReason(): #Let T={a,b} be the true atoms, then the reason for the assignment is a ^ b (clause -a v -b). reason=[] if countTrue == 2: reason=[-i for i in atoms if interpretation[i]==TRUE] else: reason=[i for i in atoms if interpretation[i]==FALSE] return reason def onLiteralsUndefined(*lits): global interpretation, countTrue, countFalse #If a literal is again undefined the interpretation is restored. for i, l in enumerate(lits): if i == 0: continue if l >= 0: countTrue -= 1 else: countFalse -= 1 interpretation[abs(l)] = UNDEFINED return
Solution 2
import wasp answer = []; atoms = [] def addedVarName(var, name): global atoms atoms.append(var) def checkAnswerSet(*answer_set): global answer #Check whether the answer set has exactly two atoms true count = sum([1 for i in atoms if answer_set[i] > 0]) if count != 2: answer = answer_set return wasp.incoherent() return wasp.coherent() def getReasonsForCheckFailure(): #In case of failure compute the clause global answer reasons=[[-answer[i] for i in atoms]] return wasp.createReasonsForCheckFailure(reasons)
Consider again the following simple encoding
We want to lazily instantiate the following weak constraints
:~ not a. [1@1,a]
:~ not b. [1@1,b]
:~ not c. [1@1,c]
:~ not d. [1@1,d]
One possible solution is the following
import wasp answer = []; atoms = [] def addedVarName(var, name): global atoms atoms.append(var) def addWeakConstraints(*answer_set): global answer answer = answer_set soft = [[i] for i in atoms if answer_set[i] < 0] return wasp.createWeakConstraints(soft) def addWeightsForWeakConstraints(): global answer weights=[1 for i in atoms if answer[i] < 0] return wasp.createWeights(weights)